Okay so I've been meaning to tell you all how it was! I didn't take any pics but my roomie did so I was waiting to get them from her. Fashion's Night Out is a promotional night for designers surrounding the fashion week events around the world. Although Florence didn't have their own runways, it is still known as the second fashion capital of the world. This is only a recent fall in the rankings - as I've learned in my fashion marketing class that Florence was the top designer headquarters in the world up until the 80's and 90's when Milan took the spotlight. This was mostly due to Milan's heavy business focus, and therefore it was easier for people to commute to. Florence is still home to many brands such as Cavalli, Ferragamo, Pucci, Patrizia Pepe, and Cavallini. This was actually the first year that Vogue has held this event in Florence ever! It turned out to be a major success and as you will see in the pictures it was well attended. Vogue also sold specialty items to help raise money for the Emilia Romana region that suffered the devastating earthquake earlier this year. So here are some pics!

Outside many store's door to let you know that they would be open until midnight with specials and events!
Live models were in many of the store's windows.
Promo sign for the shirts for sale to raise funds.
Luisa Via della Roma - SO PACKED!
They had a big screen with the promo sigh on it. That beetle pin was something being sold to raise money for Emilia Romana.
I'm going on a short day trip to Fiesole later this week so I'll post again soon.
A dopo, one love.